Morrowind join all factions
Morrowind join all factions

morrowind join all factions

It's the same rules as every other guild: don't commit crimes against members and there are also a couple of pennance quests for those who have to learn the hard way. The overarching story of the questline is the complete elimination of Necromancy in Cyrodiil, so expect to run into lots of undead and spell-slingers. Their quests tend toward finding information or items for research or resolving internal political issues. The Mages Guild has a monopoly on magic in Cyrodiil (Restorative magic can be had from the Chapels as long as your Fame is higher than your Infamy), but in Oblivion they do not contract out their services (I see an opportunity for more modding). It's a "three strikes and you're out" situation, so be careful. The pennance quests are "simple" ingredient retrieval quests (20 bear pelts for your first offense and 20 Minotaur horns for your second), but bears are level 7 creatures and Minotaurs are level 12 creatures, so don't step on toes early in the game.

morrowind join all factions

If you should misstep, you can earn your way back into the good graces of the Guild by performing a pennance quest. The requirements for staying in are pretty standard: don't commit crimes against fellow members. Anyone who thinks that they have a big case of bad-ass is welcome to join. The requirements for joining are.uh., you get the idea (requirements? we don' need no steenkin' requirements!). There are guild branches in just about every city, but quests are only available at the ones in Chorrol, Anvil and Cheydinhal (I suspect that some kind modder will recitify this shortfall).

morrowind join all factions

The Fighters Guild contracts out muscle to those with the money to pay for it. You gain some advantages just for belonging to them, you gain ranks and more benefits as complete their quests (no skill checks for guild advancement in Oblivion - not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing), and you get some really nifty perks for reaching the top rank. These factions are your bread and butter for quests. The Temples appear to have also gone the way of the dodo.

morrowind join all factions

In Daggerfall, you had a dozen or so guilds that you could join (the Temples were later patched so that you could only join one) in Morrowind you had about ten (although there were three Great Houses, you could only join one) in Oblivion you only have five: the Fighters Guild, the Mages Guild, the Thieves Guild, the Dark Brotherhood and the Arena. Beginners Guide to Oblivion: Factions Overviewīethesda seems intent on reworking the number of factions available to you in each game.

Morrowind join all factions